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Clever individual

Clever individual
One day the deer seem very sleepy. Her eyes felt heavy to be opened. "Aaa .... rrrrgh", the deer appears to occasional yawn. Since it was bright enough, the deer feel loss if you waste it. He began to walk through the woods to drive out a sense of sleepiness. Up on top of a hill, the Kancil shouted with pride, "O forest dwellers, I'm the most intelligent animals, clever and smart in this forest. Nothing can match the intelligence and kepintaranku ".With a puff out his chest, the Kancil started walking down the hill. When we reached the river, he met a snail. "Hi deer!", Said the snail. "Why are you shouting? Are you happy? ", Asked the snail. "No, I just want to inform on all forest-dwelling animal if I was the most intelligent, clever and smart," replied the deer with pride."Arrogant once you hare, I'm the most cunning animal in the forest," says the snail. "Hahahaha ......., where possible" Ledek Kancil. "To prove it, why do not we race tomorrow morning?", Challenged the snail. "Okay, I accept your challenge", said the Kancil. Eventually they both agreed to hold a race tomorrow morning.After the Kancil go, the snail soon gather his friends. He asks for help for his friends lined up and hiding in the race track, and respond if the deer call.Finally, the awaited day has arrived, deer and slugs were ready to race. "Are you ready to race away with me", asked the deer. "Of course I have, and I would win," replied the snail. Then the snail to allow deer to run before and had to call him to confirm where the snail.Kancil walking with relaxed, and feel confident that he will win. After a few steps, the deer tried to call the snail. "Snail .... Where you been up to?", Yelled the deer. "I'm in front of you!", Shouted the snail. Kancil in amazement, and immediately accelerate the pace. Then he calls the snail again, and the snail replied with the same word. 'I have in front of you! "Eventually the deer ran, but he calls the snail each, he always comes up and says if he is the front deer. Sweat streaming down, her legs felt weak and his breathing wheezing.Kancil ran on, until finally he saw the finish line. Deer are very happy face, because when he called slugs, are no longer answer. Kancil felt that he was the winner of that race.How shocked the deer, because she saw the snail was sitting on a rock near the finish line. "O deer, why are you so long? I've been up to the last! ", Shouted the snail. With bowed head, the deer approached the snail and admit defeat. "So do not be arrogant, you are clever and intelligent, but you are not the most intelligent and clever," said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snails, I would not be proud again", said the deer.


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Sistem Ekonomi Gerakan Benteng

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