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Noun Clause is a Clause which is used instead of functioning as a noun or noun (noun). Noun Clause Besides this, there are actually more like an adverb clause and Clause Adjective Clause. To explore the explanation of the Noun Clause, please note the following explanation:
According to the original sentence types, Noun Clause can be classified into 4 types, namely:

1. Statement (statement)
2. Question (question)
3. Request (request)
4. Exclamation (appeal).
1. Statement
a. Conjunction used is: "that"
b. The function of this clause is as:
1) Subject Sentences

* Kangaroo lives in Australia (statement)
* That Australia is Kangaroo lives is well known to all (Noun Clause)
2) The subject of sentence after "It"

* It is well known to All That Kangaroo lives in Australia
3) Object Complement

* My conclusion Is That Kangaroo lives in Australia
4) Object Working Words

* All people understand well That Kangaroo lives in Australia
5) Apositif

* My conclusion is That Kangaroo lives in Australia is correct.
2. Question
A. Yes / No Question
a. Conjunction used is: "whether (or not / or if)"
b. The function of this clause is as:
1) Subject Sentences

* Can she drive the car? (Question)
* Whether she cans drive the car does not concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or not she cans drive the car does not concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether she cans drive the car or not does not concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or cans if she drives the car does not concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) The Object Complement

* My question is whether she cans drive the car.
3) Object Working Words

* I really wonder whether she cans drive the car (or not).
4) Object Search Home

* We discussed about whether she cans drive the car.
B. Wh-Question
a. Conjunction used is: "Tanya's own words"
b. The function of this clause is as:
1) Subject Sentences

* What is he doing? (Question)
* What she is doing does not concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) The Object Complement

* My question is what she is doing.
3) Object Working Words

* I really wonder what she is doing.
4) Object Search Home

* We discussed about what she is doing.
Position back to normal, not like the position of a normal question.
3. Request
a. Conjunction used is: "that"
b. The function of this clause is as:
1) Object Working Words

* Read the book! (Request)
* He suggested That I read the book. (Noun Clause)
An exclamation mark is missing.
4. Exclamation
a. Conjunction used is: "said Tanya used the sentence itself"
b. The function of this clause is as:
1) Object Working Words

* What a pretty girl she is? (Exclamation)
* I never Realize what a pretty girl she is. (Noun Clause)
2) Object Search Home

* We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
Additional Notes:

* Noun Clause with "that" is used as the subject of a sentence only with certain verbs. And the verb (verb) what is important is linking verb, especially BE.
* Noun Clause with "that" often become the object of the verb (verb), some of the following verb usually has a subject that shows humans. These words are mainly verbs used in Indirect Speech Berta stating verb of mental activity.
Indirect Working Words Sentences
Admit, agree, allege, announce, argue, assert, assure, declare, aver, Boast, claim, complain, confess, convince, deny, disagree, Explain, foretell, hint, inform, INSIST, maintain, notify, persuade, pray, Predict, proclaim, promise, Relate, remark, Remind, reports, say, state, Swear, teach, tell, threaten, warn
Working Words of Mental Activity
Ascertain, assume, believe, calculate, care (for negative or interrogative sentence), conceive, conclude, Consider, convince, Decide, discover, doubt, dream, Expect, fancy, feel, find out, forget, grant, guess, hear, hold (think), hope, imagine, indicate, know, judge, learn, mean, mind (for negative or interrogative sentence), notice, perceive, presume, pretend, Prove, question, Realize, recall, reckon, recollect, Reflect, regret, Rejoice, remember, reveal, see, show, suppose, surmise, think, trust, understand, wish

1. Alex thinks That Mary is ill.
2. That toll was Bob Had he finished breakfast.
3. Henry says That he is very busy.
4. He insists That there is a mistake.
5. He complained to his friend That his wife couldn't cook.

* In an unofficial conversation (informal) "that" is often omitted from the object Clause if it means (meant) was clearly to be understood without the existence of "that".

1. I am sorry (that) I couldn't meet you at the station.
2. He says (that) They plan to come to the dance.
3. We thought (that) Had you already left for abroad.
4. The reason We returned so early is, (that) one of the children got sick.

* Noun Clause of the question (questions) located after the verb that requires two objects might function as one or two objects of the verb.

1. Give the man (Indirect Object) what is in this envelope (Direct Object)
2. Give what is in the envelope to the man.

* Noun Clause of the questions may be preceded by the words that functions as a question: pronouns, Adjectives, or adverbs. The words used were: pronoun = WHO (ever), what (ever (, which. (Ever), Adjective = whose, what (ever), the which (ever), adverb = how (ever), Pls (ever) , WHERE (ever), why.

1. We do not know who will from be coming from the employment agency. (WHO is the subject of the will of be coming)
2. We do not know whom the employment agency will from send. (Whom is the object of earnest send)
3. We will from ask whoever comes from the employment agency. (Whoever is the subject of comes)
4. We ask whomever will of the employment agency sends. (Whomever is the object of sends)

* In the Noun Clause of the questions, subjects and verbs have a common arrangement, which is located after the Introductory word.
* Noun Clause of the request starts with That-Clause is most often the object of the verb that states a request, suggestion, or desire and so forth.

1. He is Requesting That a company car be placed at his disposal.
2. The doctor recommended he take a vacation That.
3. It was suggested That she leave Immediately.
4. It was proposed That the meeting be adjourned.


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